Term 3 2024
Dates: Sunday, 21st July, 28th July 4th August, 11th August, 18th August
Venue - 23 Bowman Street, Hendra
Upper Primary (9-12 years) 11-1 pm
Finding the right fit.
The Get GRIT Program is a general resiliency program. It is not suitable for children with specific behavioural needs or difficulties who would benefit more from individualised support working one-on-one with a therapist to better meet their needs. In order to get the most out of the program, children participating in the Get GRIT Program are expected to be respectful and behave consistently in a school setting. If a child is unable to concentrate for up to two hours in a small group, follow teacher directions and listen respectfully to others, they will not fully benefit from the program. Disruptive behaviour or non-compliant behaviour, which in turn affects other children from fully participating in the program will, unfortunately, result in the child being withdrawn from participating in the group. If your child is unable to do the following (just yet), one-on-one support is your first point of call. Please speak to your GP for individual support services in your local area.
To participate in our workshops, we ask that children are able to:
* Show courtesy and consideration to others
* Listen respectfully to others
* Manage own behaviour
* Follow teacher directions
* Be able to concentrate and engage in activities for up to two hours with regular breaks
* Be respectful and behave consistently in a school setting